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W.F.T.O.A. is an educational and professional association concerned with apprenticeship training (commonly referred to as the Field Training Officer concept) for Police, Communications, and Corrections personnel. Educators, Administrators and other Criminal Justice Practitioners are also encouraged to participate.



W.F.T.O.A. Purpose


  • To promote and foster mutual cooperation between Field Training Officers, other members of their agencies, private industry and the public.



  • To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and new techniques.



  • To conduct training seminars and conferences in FTO program related issues.


  • To research educational methodology so that improvements may be made in the areas of teaching and learning. 


  • To educate the membership and the public regarding apprenticeship training.


  • To keep membership, agencies, and the public informed of legislative and statutory changes and their influence on field training.


Benefits of Membership


State networking, training meetings and an annual 3-day conference. Consulting support to FTO’s, training programs, administrators, and the public. Periodic WFTOA Newsletter. 


No Annual Fee! 
Open to active or retired members of a Criminal justice Organization, Persons providing training in FTO related areas and those supportive of the goals of WFTOA.





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